Okay, so there's this woman who just had eight babies... at once! She also has six children already at home. What a greedy lady!! Seriously, what about the rest of us women who don't even have one?! Us so called "cat ladies" who just get another kitten when one of their friends gets to have a baby shower.
In seriousness, good for her. God bless, she's going to need one hell of a husband. Apparently, she plans to breast feed them all. I did the calculations. One baby needs to eat once every hour. She has two breasts. That means, if she feeds two at a time for fifteen minutes each, she will have babies on her boobies all day long. Wow! Now that's a strong woman.
Tracy Chapman's new album "Our Bright Days" is fantastic. Though there are certainly some Christian undertones (and in one song, I'd definitely say it's an overtone), the slow folk rhythms, delicious beat, easy-going hopefulness she sings with makes a terrific album to listen to while cleaning the house, doing laundry, and taking longer road trips. In short, I'm thoroughly enjoying it. And she has remained true to her original style, which I appreciate greatly in an artist. Unlike Tori Amos, who lately has been trying on such strikingly different outfits than what she is actually good at, that I'm left too confused to enjoy.
Another artist that deserves a second look these days is Ray Lamontagn. Specifically "Truly, Madly, Deeply." This song calls to mind some of Pat Methany's better work, though done less sentimentally it is deeper in a sense... in a good sense. This one has the ability to move you to many tender places.
In literary terms, I've been reading these few selections lately: "What I Know: Letters to my Younger Self" edited by Ellyn Spragins; "Life of Pi" by Yann Martel (much overdue); "Being Nobody Going Nowhere" by Ayya Khema (meditations on teh Buddhist Path -- it's not as nihilistic as it may at first sound. It's actually very, very good, if not slightly repetitive at times); "Gargoyle" (I do not have the author's name at hand, but it is a very well-written book; good reviews on NPR).
Finally, since moving the bed to the corner my dreams have been extremely vivid and telling. Perhaps I will begin keeping a dream journal and plumb the depths of my unconscious mind. Scary!
Rye Crepes
2 days ago
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